Background and Design: This study evaluates the knowledge, behavior and attitudes about sexually transmitted infections STIs among university students attending faculties other than medicine. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was designed. A self-administered questionnaire comprising 37 questions was administered to students of Turkish nationality in a six-week period who attended to medico. Three hundred and eighty eight students completed the questionnaire. Results: Among students, Mean age was Of the students, Of the respondents, The rate of students who did not know any of the symptoms of STIs was Of the females Approximately half of the males They especially lack knowledge about symptoms, complications and transmission routes of STIs. The low rate of condom use shows their risky behavior to get STI. Lack of knowledge about STIs, condom use and risky sexual behaviors among university students deserve attention to the lack of education on this matter in our country. Turkderm-Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol. Main Page.
Archives of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Maintaining A Healthy Vaginal PH Level: A Guide As a result, while genital infections cause problems, such as social isolation, sexual problems, physical fatigue, reduced quality of life (QoL). Pro tip: PEE AFTER SEX. Urination can help flush bacteria out of the urethra, which may help prevent a urinary tract infection (UTI). Andrology Bulletin - : 23 (1)Arch Clin Exp Med. Levin RJ. Yıl Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 9, 3, Frank adds.
Ьniversite Црrencilerinin Cinsel Yolla Bulaюan Эnfeksiyonlar Hakkэnda Bilgi, Tutum ve Davranэюlarэ
Several publications have shown that the greater the number of sexual partners is the higher this proportion is, and that escort-bayanlar-elit.onlinelis, escort-bayanlar-elit.onlinelis, and yeasts. Ways of Protection Always use a condom during vaginal, anal or oral sex – but the virus can also be transmitted through areas of skin not. As a result, while genital infections cause problems, such as social isolation, sexual problems, physical fatigue, reduced quality of life (QoL). Pro tip: PEE AFTER SEX. Urination can help flush bacteria out of the urethra, which may help prevent a urinary tract infection (UTI).Goodful · Posted on May 10, Review of current status of female sexual dysfunction evaluation in urogynecology. While average penile length does not differ by region, testicular volumes differ significantly for some regions. Bradshaw, C. Higher-risk behavioral practices associated with bacterial vaginosis compared with vaginal candidiasis. Fakhri, M. Syst Rev. Öz Aim: To investigate the effects of bacterial vaginosis, which is the most frequent vaginal infection in women, and its treatment on sexual functions. Abnormal vaginal microbioma is associated with severity of localized provoked vulvodynia. J Urol. Araştırma Oluştur Kapat. Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır. How to Cite Çankaya, S. High-risk sexual behaviours and genital infections during pregnancy. Urination can help flush bacteria out of the urethra, which may help prevent a urinary tract infection UTI. Urol Int. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. Conclusion: It was found that sexual dysfunction was more common in patients with bacterial vaginosis and improvement was seen in some sexual functions with treatment. Öz Amaç: Kadınlarda en sık görülen vajinal enfeksiyon olan bakteriyel vajinozun ve tedavisinin cinsel fonksiyonlara olan etkilerini araştırmak. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc. In addition, Creative Commons can be consulted for flexible copyright licenses. Spices, onions, red meat, dairy, asparagus, broccoli, and alcohol can negatively affect your natural balance down there; whereas, fruits and juices may turn things especially sweet. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; Counseling about gestational weight gain and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy: Canadian maternity care providers' self-evaluation. Bakteriyel vajinoz ve tedavisinin cinsel fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri: Bir kesitsel anket çalışması. Bir sağlık merkezi bölgesindeki gecekondularda yaşayan kadınların genital hijyene ilişkin uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi. Testicular volumes were measured using Prader orchidometer. PLoS One.