The Opening and Closing Images of our story should resonate with each other. They should look as alike as reasonably possible. An example we cited was the Western Shanewhere the lone-rider hero played by Alan Ladd enters the Valley on the In and exits via the exact same path on the Out. At the same time, the Out should be as far away as we can make it in emotional and narrative terms from the In—to show the extent of the change that the Arabian Amateur Escort Woman Pictures has undergone. Again citing Shanewe saw that our hero entered the Valley with hopes of changing his life and exited knowing those hopes would never come true. The movie starts in the driveway of a cottage in Dorset. Recklessly fast. Suddenly the rider encounters bicyclists in the road. He swerves, loses control, the bike crashes. Cut to St. A major state funeral is in progress, apparently for the young motorcycle rider. Several dignitaries are approached for comment. They give contrasting statements, linked by the acknowledgment that the young rider was Someone Extraordinary. Seventeen years earlier. Bedouin warriors, who under Lawrence and their tribal leaders have captured Damascus, have been superseded by regular British troops. They are leaving—going home to their tribal territories. An open Rolls-Royce military car speeds along a desert road. The driver is a British sergeant. In back sits Lawrence. He is a colonel, in uniform. The Rolls speeds past a detachment of withdrawing Bedouin fighters mounted on camels. We see Lawrence rise in his Arabian Amateur Escort Woman Pictures with concern. His eyes track the Arab warriors with obvious pain and regret, even heartbreak. But Lawrence makes no reply, only sinks into his seat in despair. At that moment, a British dispatch rider overtakes the Rolls and speeds past, pulling swiftly ahead and racing into the distance. The theme of Lawrence of Arabia among a number of others is the burden of Being Extraordinary. The In and the Out of Lawrence of Arabia are absolutely on-theme. They work together like bookends. As Colonel Lawrence watches the motorcycle rider speed past him on the desert road and vanish into the distance, we in the audience cannot help but be called back to the opening image of the film. Did Lawrence kill himself deliberately seventeen years later on his Brough Superior? Was his reckless speed intentional, a consequence of no longer being a part of great events? Could Lawrence no longer endure having to live life as an Ordinary Man? Again, as we said in previous posts of Shane and Alien and Good Will Huntingthe opening and the closing images alone convey a tremendous part of the story. Together the In and the Out frame the narrative and contain its meaning. Steve shows you the predictable Resistance points that every writer hits in a work-in-progress and then shows you how to deal with each one of these sticking points. This book shows you how to keep going with your work. Having failed with three earlier attempts at novels, here's how Steve finally succeeded. Steve shares his "lessons learned" from the trenches of the five different writing careers—advertising, screenwriting, fiction, nonfiction, and self-help. This is tradecraft.
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